This year has undoubtedly been tough on us all, and needless to say, we could use some cheering up.
It only takes one second of minimal effort to infinitely brighten someone’s day and make them a little happier, and with World Kindness Day just around the corner on the 13th November, it’s time to brush up your niceties - read on to find out how.
1) Send Flowers
While the gesture of sending someone flowers is as small as it is easy to implement, an unexpected bouquet delivery (or single stem rose, depending on your style) sent to someone going through a rough patch will brighten their day, guaranteed.
Better yet, on account of the wonder and beauty that is the internet, you can have the floral arrangement delivered to your friend’s door even when you’re apart - simply select the flowers online (many sites also include the option of a personalised card), purchase, and track the bouquet being delivered.
It’s easy to search up your city or country on Google and find flower delivery services in the area, but here’s our favourite global service if you’re seeking to cheer up an international friend.
Sending friends flowers is a simple way to show kindness.
2) Drop Off a Care Package
Is someone you know going through a tough time? Get their hot little hands on a care package to aid them through their rough patch, and watch as their mood increases (at least) ten fold.
Care packages are the perfect mood booster in that they’re relevant for any and all types of situations. Has your friend been having a tough time at work? Feeling stressed? Did they catch the flu? There’s a care package for that.
Fill a basket or box with chocolate bars, magazines or a book, tea, and snacks (bonus points if you throw in baked goods from an independent local bakery, because we all know how nice supporting small businesses is) and drop it by their front door for a thoughtful, much needed pick me up.
3) Cook a Home Cooked Meal
The world really does become a friendlier, nicer place when you’ve feasted on a home cooked meal (but didn’t have to make it yourself).
The simple act of cooking up a storm for a friend weathering a rough patch speaks volumes, and you’ll both get a joyful, delicious evening out of it.
If you think they’re up for it, invite more people around and turn the evening into a dinner party, making sure to light plenty of candles for an immediate and no fuss ambience.
Cooking a home cooked meal for a friend is an easy way to show you care.
Image: Unsplash
4) Gift An Annotated Book You Love
Give someone a book you love, highlight, indent or underline your favourite quotes, and write your own thoughts in the margins.
As simple as this sounds, it’s incredibly personal and comforting, and lets the recipient feel as though they’re reading the book with you.
Show kindness by gifting someone an annotated book.
Image: Unsplah
5) Gift an Experience Voucher for an Experience They’ll Love
It’s been scientifically proven that experiences are better than things, so if you’re seeking to brighten someone’s day with a gift, get them something they’ll really like - namely, an AmazingCo gift voucher for an unforgettable experience.
Are they partial to a picnic? Gift them a Mystery Picnic, where they’ll need to solve a number of clues and riddles in order to collect delicious picnic pieces (from gourmet food stores, nonetheless). A wine enthusiast, per chance? Send them off on a Drink Discovery Walk, where they’ll discover new and secret watering holes while out on an epic neighbourhood adventure. Or perhaps they’re a homebody? They’ll love AmazingCo’s At Home experiences, where they’ll have a wickedly fun time (think Murder Mysteries and Pub Trivia) from the comfort of their living room.
6) Send a Text or Letter Telling Them What They Mean to You
The simple act of sending someone a text message (or writing a letter and sending it to them) with an uplifting message can go a long way, and takes minimal effort on your behalf.
While text messages are decisively the easiest channels through which to send your kind sentiments, if your friend lives close to you, consider going old fashioned and penning a from-the-heart letter.
In a similar, albeit slightly sappier vein, revisit happy memories you and your friend have shared, and write them down on little slips of paper. Place them all in a jar or bottle and watch the waterworks commence when you give it to them.
Extend kindness by sending a letter to show you care.
Image: Unsplash
Brightening someone’s day doesn’t need to cost and arm and a leg, nor does it require substantial effort, and with these simple ideas, you’ll be well and truly on your way in helping someone through a rough time or in need of a pick me up.
Now go forth, and spread joy!